  • Public
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  • All

Module Configuration


Type aliases


AutocompleteProductsOverrides: Partial<QueryTimeProductSearchConfig> | function


AutocompleteSuggestionsOverrides: Partial<QueryTimeAutocompleteConfig> | function


LabeledValueOptions: ValueOptions<T> & object


RecommendationMode: keyof object


RecommendationsIdsOverrides: Partial<RecommendationsRequest> | function


RecommendationsNavigationsOverrides: Partial<RecommendationsBody> | function


RecommendationsSuggestionsOverrides: Partial<Request & object> | function


SearchOverrides: Partial<Request> | function


ValueOptions: T | object




Type declaration

  • popular: string
  • recent: string
  • trending: string

Optional area

area: string

area of search data

Optional autocomplete

autocomplete: Autocomplete

state initial configuration for SAYT

Optional bootstrap

bootstrap: function

An optional initial bootstrap function. This function is run before serivces are initialized.


The StoreFront app instance.

Type declaration

Optional collection

collection: ValueOptions<string>

collection of search data or collection options

Optional collections

collections: Collections

state initial configuration for the collections Searchandiser request


customerId: string

GroupBy customer ID

Optional details

details: Details

state initial configuration for details Searchandiser request

Optional history

history: object

History length can be either 1 or 0. Setting history length to 0 prevents products from being saved into browser history, reducing the chance that the browser size limit will be reached, but forces a re-fetch on history change.

Type declaration

  • Optional length?: number

Optional language

language: string

input language for the search engine

Optional mixins

mixins: object

Configuration for mixins, which are sets of reusable functions and properties that can be shared across tags.

Type declaration

  • Optional custom?: CustomMixins

    Named mixins that are available on-demand to tags.

    To apply one of these mixins, add this to your tag's constructor:

  • Optional global?: GlobalMixin

    The mixin to apply to all tags. This mixin is automatically applied after all of the standard StoreFront mixins are applied, so it can be used to override StoreFront functionality.

    The lifecycle function init() cannot be overriden by this global mixin.

Optional navigations

navigations: Navigations

state configuration for navigation related data modifications

Optional network

network: Bridge

network request configuration

Optional options

options: object

Miscellaneous options.

Type declaration

  • Optional globalMixin?: boolean

    If true, apply the standard StoreFront Tag mixin.

  • Optional initialSearch?: boolean

    If true, perform a search on any initial page load. Search pages will perform a search regardless of the value of this option.

  • Optional legacyAliasing?: boolean

    If true, use the legacy aliasing pattern instead of provide/consume. You are encouraged to use the provide/consume pattern for new implementations.

  • Optional riot?: any

    The Riot instance to use instead of creating a new one.

  • Optional stylish?: boolean

    If true, apply the default basic styling.

  • Optional ui?: boolean

    If true, apply the base StoreFront structural styling.

Optional personalization

personalization: Personalization

personalization configuration

Optional recommendations

recommendations: Recommendations

state initial configuration for Recommendations

Optional refinements

refinements: Refinements

state initial configuration for the more refinements Searchandiser request

Optional search

search: Search

state initial configuration for Searchandiser

Optional services

Configuration for services.

Optional sessionId

sessionId: string

ID unique to the session of the viewer of the rendered page

Optional structure

structure: Structure

A mapping of variable names to record fields.

The property names are variable names that can be used in the markup to display product/article data.

The values correspond to record fields available in allMeta.

Additional fields can be defined as neeeded.

Optional tags

tags: object

Default props for configurable Tags.

The properties are keyed by tag names (without the gb- prefix, if any), and its values are the props to configure for that tag.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional visitorId

visitorId: string

ID unique to the viewer of the rendered page

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