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Optional alphabetical

alphabetical: boolean

whether to sort the returned suggestions alphabetically

Optional area

area: string

area override

Optional category

category: string

category field used to render sayt results

Optional collection

collection: string

collection override

Optional debounceThreshold

debounceThreshold: number

specify optional debounce value in milliseconds

Optional fuzzy

fuzzy: boolean

whether to use fuzzy matching for suggestion results

Optional hoverAutoFill

hoverAutoFill: boolean

enable updating query when hovering over sayt elements

Optional language

language: string

language override

Optional navigationCount

navigationCount: number

number of navigations to request

Optional navigations

navigations: object

map of field to label, also restricts displayed navigations if provided

Type declaration

  • [field: string]: string

Optional overrides

overrides: object

override any computed request value

Type declaration

Optional products

products: Products

autocomplete products settings

Optional recommendations

recommendations: Recommendations

recommendations API settings

Optional searchCharMinLimit

searchCharMinLimit: number

number of characters before activating typeahead

Optional showCategoryValuesForFirstMatch

showCategoryValuesForFirstMatch: boolean

whether to use the first term as a category search

Optional suggestionCount

suggestionCount: number

number of suggestions to request

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