Triggered when the app is started. Returns true.
Triggered when autocomplete product suggestions are updated. Returns the autocomplete products.
Triggered when autocomplete query is updated. Returns the autocomplete query.
Triggered when autocomplete suggestions are updated. Returns the autocomplete suggestions.
Triggered when autocomplete template is updated. Returns the autocomplete template.
Triggered when an add to cart beacon is sent.
Triggered when more refinements beacon is sent
Triggered when an order beacon is sent.
Triggered when a remove from cart beacon is sent.
Triggered when a search beacon is sent. Returns the search id from the search response.
Triggered when a view cart beacon is sent.
Triggered when a view product beacon is sent. Returns the product viewed.
Triggered when collection object is updated. Returns the collection object.
Triggered when the corrected query is updated. Returns the corrected query.
Triggered when current page is updated. Returns the current page number.
Triggered when the url is updated, the route is custom, and a custom request should be made.
Triggered when detailsId changes. Occurs whenever a new details search is fired. Returns the searchId.
Triggered when details page is updated. Returns the details data.
Triggered when the url is updated, the route is details, and a details request should be made.
Triggered when did you means are updated. Returns the did you means.
Triggered when autocomplete products is done fetching returns false
Triggered when autocomplete suggestions is done fetching returns false
Triggered when more details is done fetching returns false
Triggered when more products is done fetching returns false
Triggered when more refinements is done fetching returns false
Triggered when search is done fetching returns false
Triggered when an action error occurs. Returns the error.
Triggered when a bridge error occurs. Returns the error.
Triggered when a fetch action error occurs. Returns the error.
Triggered when autocomplete products is fetching returns true
Triggered when autocomplete suggestions is fetching returns true
Triggered when more details is fetching returns true
Triggered when more products is fetching returns true
Triggered when more refinements is fetching returns true
Triggered when search is fetching returns true
Triggered when history is replaced. Returns the state.
Triggered when history is saved. Returns the state.
Triggered when infinite scroll is updated. Returns the current infinite scroll object.
Triggered when the location is updated. Returns the location.
Triggered when more products are added to the products array. Returns the new products.
Triggered when navigations are updated. Returns the navigations object.
INTERNAL EVENT: Triggered when an observer node has changed.
Triggered when the original query is updated. Returns the original query.
Triggered when page size is updated. Returns the sizes object.
Triggered when page object is updated. Returns the page object.
Triggered when past purchases are updated Returns the past purchases products array
Triggered when pastPurchaseId changes. Occurs whenever a new past purchase search is fired. Returns the pastPurchaseId.
Triggered when the past purchase current page number is udpated Returns the new page number
Triggered when the more past purchase products are added Returns an array of the new past purchase products that were added
Triggered when the past purchase navigations are updated Returns the new navigations
Triggered when the past purchse page size is updated Returns the new page size
Triggered when the past purchase page object is updated Returns the new page object
Triggered when the past purchase products are updated Returns an array of the new past purchase products
Triggered when the past purchase query is updated Returns the new query
Triggered when the past purchase allRecordCount is updated Returns the new record count
Triggered when past purchase selected refinements are updated. Listened to in the format 'selected_refinements_updated:id', where id is the refinement's id. Returns the selected refinement.
Triggered when the product ids of the past purchase products are updated Returns the new array of past purchase skus
Triggered when the past purchase sort items are updated. Returns an array of past purchase sort items.
Triggered when the past purchase sort labels are updated. Returns an array of past purchase sort labels.
Triggered when the past purchase sort selected is updated. Returns the index of the selected past purchase sort.
Triggered when the past purchase sort object is updated Returns the new sort object
Triggered when past purchase template is updated. Returns the past purchase template
Triggered when the url is updated, the route is past purchases, and a past purchase request should be made.
Triggered when biasing is rehydrated returns true
Triggered when products are updated. Returns the products.
Triggered when query rewrites are updated. Returns the query rewrites.
Triggered when the recallId changes. Occurs when a new search with different refinements selected or a new query is fired. Returns the recallId.
Triggered when recommendations products are updated. Returns the recommendations products object.
Triggered when record count is updated. Returns the record count number.
Triggered when redirect occurs. Returns the redirect.
Triggered when related queries are updated. Returns the related queries.
Triggered when the route is updated. Returns the route.
Triggered when the current past purchase products to show in the sayt menu are updated Returns the new product array
Triggered when searchId changes. Occurs whenever a new search is fired. Returns the searchId.
Triggered when the url is updated, the route is search, and a search request should be made.
Triggered when selected collection is updated. Returns the selected collection.
Triggered when selected refinements are updated. Listened to in the format 'selected_refinements_updated:id', where id is the refinement's id. Returns the selected refinement.
Triggered when the sort items are updated. Returns an array of sort items.
Triggered when the sort labels are updated. Returns an array of sort labels.
Triggered when the selected sort is updated. Returns the index of the selected sort.
Triggered when sorts are updated. Returns the sorts object.
INTERNAL EVENT: Used by logging service to indicate tag aliasing event has occurred.
INTERNAL EVENT: Used by logging service to indicate tag lifecycle event has occurred.
Triggered when template is updated. Returns the template.
Triggered when the UI section of the store is updated. Listened to in the format 'ui:updated:tagName:id', where tagName is the name of the tag, and id is the tag's id.
Triggered when the url is updated. Returns the url.
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Triggered when the app is killed. Returns false.